Celebration of Light 2022
Dear SNHUdents,
Welcome to our Celebration of Light Event. We are so excited to be back hosting this yearly tradition on campus. The Student Advocacy Committee has worked tirelessly over the fall semester to make this event interactive for everyone. Some of the main events are a Door Decorating Contest, Guest Speakers, Live Entertainment, Crafts and spot for you to share a Holiday Tradition or what the season means to you, and more! Please join us for some fun events on December 7th, 2022 on the Green Space and Student Center Lobby
If you find you need accessible access to any of these events and activities please reach out to the Campus Accessibility Center.
With Penmen Pride,
-Shubham Oza
Student Government Association | Student Advocacy
-Stephanie Matte
Student Government Association | President
CAMPUS ACCESSIBILITY STATEMENT - Individuals with accessibility needs requiring accommodations may contact the Campus Accessibility Center at 603.644.3118 or cac@snhu.edu.
Door Decorating Contest:
Contest Infomation:
It’s Door Decorating time! The Student Government Association welcome you to join in on the annual Door Decorating competition! The Door Decorating competition adds fun and festivity to the Student Center and Green Center, and also promotes friendly competition. This year's door contest theme is Winter Wonderland so bring your best and brightest door decorations.​
Below you will find the sign up form.
SIGN UPS ARE DUE BY December 2nd!
Groups may begin as soon as they submit their sign-up sheets.
All decorating must be completed by December 3rd.
Judging will occur from December 4th at 8:00 am until December 6th at 3:00 pm. Judging will be done by community members and ballots will done electronic on the SGA Website.
Winners will be announced on December 7th during the event
All participants must follow the contest rules located on the SNHU SGA Celebration of Light Website.
Awards will be given in the following four categories:
Adherence to Theme
Celebration of Inclusion
Visual Appeal
Most Creative
2022 Door Decorating Contest Results:
Adherence to Theme:
Wellness Center (50 points)
Office of Student Affairs (25 points)
Office of Student Involvement (21 points)
Celebration of Inclusion:
Wellness Center (41 points)
Office of Student Affairs (26 points)
Office of Residence Life (16 points)
Visual Appeal:
Wellness Center (49 points)
Office of Student Affairs (25 points)
Office of Residence Life (18 points)
Most Creative:
Wellness Center (49 points)
Office of Student Affairs (25 points)
Office of Residence Life (16 points)
Contest Rules:
Decorations need not be strictly holiday themed but can be themed.
Departments and organizations will utilize their area entrance or door.
Nothing installed may mark or damage University doors. No nails, tacks, or staples may be put into the door and all adhesives used must be fully removable. The following adhesives have been tested on Student Center doors: 3M Command Adhesive, Scotch Magic tape, Scotch double- coated tape, Poster putty, and Blue Tack.
Door handles must remain visible and operational. Door decorations may not impede the usage of the door, compromise ADA compliance, or pose a safety hazard. Decorations must be fire retardant.
No glitter, confetti, or other small particulate items may be used.
Nothing that makes noise or requires the use of electricity may be used.
No departmental or organizational fund may be spent on this project. It is a volunteer effort by participants!
Door decor must be removed from Student Center and Green Center doors on or before December 15th. All decor left on doors after this date will be disposed of.
The door decorating committee reserves the right to remove and or disqualify entries that are inappropriate.
All participants will be respectful of the entries, and will behave appropriately. Any group/organization caught damaging or defacing another entry will be disqualified and barred from future participation.