
Paige McNamara
Student Government Association
Isabella Dasilva
Vice President of Finance
Jay Tifone
Student Government Association
You've got the idea. We've got the connections.
Let's make this happen together.
The Student Government Association would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued dedication toward making our community a better place for our students, staff, and faculty. Clubs and organizations like you putting on events, volunteering, and striving to make Southern New Hampshire University the best it can be are the backbone of our campus, and we could not be such a lively, energetic, hardworking, and fun campus without your dedication and support. Thank you!
We will co-sponsor events both financially (up to $500) and through support in planning and execution. Each year the Student Government Association offers financial and voluntary support at countless events on our campus. The Student Government Association is committed to co-sponsoring events that align with both our mission and vision.
The Southern New Hampshire University Student Government Association represents the best interests of the student community through shared governance, sound fiscal policy, beneficial services, and leadership.
The Student Government Association will be the prominent student organization known for excellence in leadership, service, and community engagement.
The following list provides co-sponsorship guidelines for the Student Government Association. Please consider the following prior to making a request with the organization.
Requests must be submitted online at http://bit.ly/SGACo-Sponsorship.
Requests for funding should not exceed $500.
Requests must be submitted and received by the Student Government Association’s Coordinator of Co-sponsorships at least one (1) month prior to requestor’s event.
There may not be any questions left blank or uncompleted on the co-sponsorship request form.
Requests must align with mission and vision of the Student Government Association.
Our Mission: The Southern New Hampshire University Student Government Association represents the best interests of the student community through shared governance, sound fiscal policy, beneficial services, and leadership.
Our Vision: The Student Government Association will be the prominent student organization known for excellence in leadership, service, and community engagement.
The event must be a free event and happening on the Southern New Hampshire University Manchester campus and may NOT be restricted to only a limited group of students (i.e. Students in Tuckerman Hall only, Freshman students only, etc).
Advertising for the event must include “Co-Sponsored by Student Government.” Please do not use abbreviation “SGA.”
Student Government Association logo(s) will be provided for and must appear on advertising materials.
NOTE: Nothing in the Co-Sponsorship Guidelines guarantees the approval of requests. Requests are approved on a case-by-case basis depending on multiple factors including but not limited to the provided guidelines in this document, the amount of funds the organization has at the requested time of need, and the availability of volunteers. A Senator from the Student Government Association will be in contact with your organization with an approval or denial response after the request is brought to the following bi-weekly senate meeting.